-------------- Beauty --------------

Vietnam makeup market 2016

Check out our latest finding about how Vietnamese female makes up, to understand them better in terms of the lifestyle, information source, brand preference and others.

Vietnam makeup market 2016
Vietnam makeup market 2016

Nearly 30% of the respondents make up everyday and 25% do not make up at all.

44% spends on cosmetics less than 200,000 VND monthly.

Facebook and friends are 2 most important information sources for makeup.

More than 80% of respondents who make up watch Youtube to get information about makeup. Michelle Phan is the most famous makeup artist on Youtube.

Ohui is the best and most luxurious makeup brand while Maybelline and Pond’s are more as "brand for me".

Survey about makeup among Vietnamese females 

Number of respondents: 360

Female, Age: 20-44 years old. Location: Nationwide 

Conducted on Sept 2016 

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research


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