-------------- Beauty --------------

Cosmetic product ownership among Vietnamese

This report analyzes the popular cosmetic products that are used among Vietnamese, with the depth analysis of the profile / behavior differences

Cosmetic product ownership among Vietnamese
Cosmetic product ownership among Vietnamese

Makeup frequency is at its peak in 20’s and 30’s. It goes up as the income is higher

Lipstick, Facial cleanser, Sunscreen are the 3 most popular products, that has highest ownership and usage ratio

Users who own a small number of items focus on 3 items - Lipsticks, Facial cleanser and sunscreen. Mid users came to own whitening.

The products have 3 general trend by ages - Products that are popular regardless of the ages, Products that have higher usage as age go by, products that are popular in 20's and 30's.

Eye cream, Facial masks, whitening are the items that nonusers are interested in using

200 Vietnamese female from 10 - 40's in HCM and Hanoi.

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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