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Vietnam EC trend in Vietnam 2024

Comprehensive report to cover EC trend from the industry analysis and consumer behavior analysis

Vietnam EC trend in Vietnam 2024
Vietnam EC trend in Vietnam 2024

EC industry in Vietnam has increased by 48% from 3,798 million USD to 5,645 million USD

Beauty, home & lifestyle and home appliances are the top 3 categories for online shopping.

Price-related factors (pricing, promotion) are the biggest factors to use online shopping

Nearly 50% of fashion and beauty/health product buyers consider online as their main shopping channel.

Tiktok Shop has rapidly developed, rising to the second position in terms of both the number of users and the number of frequent users

Shopee is selected for the price / promotion, product variety. TikTok has good reputation for information / reviews and fun shopping

EC platform usage is higher for Mom&Baby. The popularity of social commerce is high for fashon category. IT is purchased more at the dedicated platform of mobile groups.

Based on the EC transaction data from metric.vn and consumer research from 300 online shoppers in HCM and Hanoi

Q&Me Vietnam Market Research

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